RoadMap Screenshots

Most screenshots below were made with the GTK2 version of RoadMap.

RoadMap 1.1.0 showing display of an on-screen route (green directional markers) and actual track followed (purple dots). This display shows anti-aliased lines, drawn with AGG support.
RoadMap 1.1.0 showing customized UI, and showing the "primitive" internal font that can be used when no other font is available to present angled text. (This is the GTK version.)

RoadMap 1.1.0 showing on-screen controls for panning and zoom, plus GPS strength indicator and compass rose. Current GPS position is marked by blue dart at center of screen.
RoadMap 1.1.0 showing 3D perspective view of San Francisco. (This happens to be the QT version of RoadMap.)

RoadMap 1.0.11 showing the northern section of San Francisco, with the address selection dialog open.
RoadMap 1.0.11 showing the northern section of San Francisco. The Ellis street has been selected and the map was rotated 45 Degrees.

The RoadMap 1.0.11 GPS console.
The RoadMap Preferences dialog.
An example of RoadMap on an HP iPAQ running familiar v0.7.2, with the GPE desktop.
An example of RoadMap 1.0.11 on an HP iPAQ running PocketPC 2002.

Web storage for the RoadMap pre-compiled maps is courtesy of Digital Omaha Network, a low priced, high quality hosting service provider.
This project hosted by Get RoadMap at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads